NC 100 Testimonies

Angelica Lynn (far left)UNC Asheville Class of 2021 NC 100 Intern/Next Gen Supporter

“I want to thank (NC 100 Executive Director) Merald Holloway for all the wonderful opportunities you provided and thank you also for taking out the time to teach us as well. The information that I received has helped me in numerous ways. I will be in a promotional video for my college and in the video one of the things they wanted me to talk about was the difference between Equity and Equality. I was able to share some of the information that I learned from my summer experience and  want to acknowledge NC 100 helped prepare me for that moment.”

Tango B. Moore Reidsville Area Foundation Grants Manager

“NC 100 provides community support and services directly aligned with two of our organization’s funding priorities: education and community development. The work of NC 100 is improving the education and quality of life of Rockingham County residents by providing leadership and mentoring programs for youth, empowering adults economically, and convening our community around issues of equity and social justice. The Reidsville Area Foundation envisions a thriving community where every resident has access to opportunities to participate in the social, economic, and civic life of the community. As a partner organization that shares our values, NC 100 plays a key role in helping RAF bring aspects of our vision to reality.”

Jennifer Nixon

The Reidsville Area Foundation is investing in NC 100 because we recognize that equity, education, and individual and community economic success are inextricably linked. This is community work in a very real sense of the word – engaging with young people in Rockingham County at a pivotal point in their development. NC 100 exemplifies partnership and collaboration, using relationships and a shared vision to bring resources, models, and opportunities to our young people.


Dr. Vickie C. Bannerman, Principal Volcano Vista High School Reidsville High School, class of ‘95

As a graduate from, and former administrator in, Rockingham County Schools- I have witnessed a myriad of programs, partnerships and promises in support of ‘better’ for children and community. Over the years I have watched initial enthusiasm fade as challenges presented. I’ve seen partnerships dissolve, promises unkept and programs unrealized. Then there was NC 100.


Merald Holloway, also a product of Rockingham County Schools, has a clear vision for ‘better’ with a laser focus on ‘best!’ He strives to expose children to possibilities not yet considered and provides tools for families in support of the whole-child. He has no hidden agenda; He tirelessly invests time and resources in support of our greatest gifts…children. In partnership with schools, community members, local organizations and like-minded contributors Merald is blazing a trail towards a better today in preparation for a stellar tomorrow. The time is now for positive change in Rockingham County. I stand with NC 100, and Merald Holloway, in the advancement of the vision. I encourage you to stand with us.

Tyesha Pickard UNC Greensboro Class of 2020 NC 100 Intern/Next Gen Supporter

“Throughout my internship. I had the chance to improve my networking skills by conducting relational meetings with different people of other non-profit organizations, learning about grant writing, and learning how to plan and direct ideas into action. I am excited that NC 100 is here in my hometown to better the future of our students and community. I am honored to have been a part of this experience and I know I will take with me the things that I have learned and use them throughout the rest of my career.”