What percentage of your donations go toward programs?

In 2018, 88% of our donations and grant dollars went to program design and execution. The remaining 12% of funds supported administrative and operational costs, volunteer outreach, and marketing/communication tools.

Are my donations tax deductible?

Of course! Our organization is 501(c)3 and all donations are 100% tax deductible.

What is your mission?

Serving as a consistent and persistent partner with schools, civic leaders, and other organizations, for the betterment of the community.

Who are you?

We are a group of local and statewide leaders that believe in the power of community organizing and extending networks as an avenue for supporting education, workforce development, and community service. Our relationships with former residents, current community groups, and other service providers can provide value to 100% of Rockingham County.

What do you do?

For starters, we have talent to facilitate student, teacher, and parent round tables, exposing students to explore multiple career pathways, support other organizations in capacity building, modeling a culture of giving and community activism, and advocating for equity.

Where are you located?

Most of our current work is centered in Reidsville, NC developing a programs for 6th graders with hopes of developing a leadership curriculum that grows, following participants through graduation. We are bringing the educators and parents of children together to learn about each other as citizens, leading to a shared vision on how best to impact the students they love and care about.

How can folks help?

Our work is supported by our many donors, volunteers and friends in NC, but also by organizations like the Reidsville Area Foundation, BB&T Foundation, and Z Smith Reynolds Foundation. Their dedication supports the sharing of financial education materials and resources with all community members, conducting workshops for teachers, parents, and students, and after school/summer activities for the under served aimed at career exploration and career readiness.